Elevate Your Career in 2024 with Powerful Habits

Self-help books take up an entire section in the bookstore. As humans we strive to become better family members, friends, employees, creatives, and entrepreneurs. We want to build the lifestyle and career that maximizes our potential, uses our skills, and aligns with our values. In short, we want to be happy, and the new year is a popular time to set resolutions that we think will bring us joy. But, most of us never achieve what we set our minds to on January 1st. (In fact, one study found only 9% of people achieved their New Year’s Resolution and 43% quit by the end of January.)

If you are a career climber or job seeker right now, you have goals to land your dream job, get a promotion, or even simply get along with a tough co-worker and feel less miserable in your daily work! You have goals to meet and places to go this year!

The difference between where you’d like to be and where you are now, is the uncomfortable space for change. An old adage says that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Best-selling authors like Charles Duhigg (author of The Power of Habit) and James Clear (author of Atomic Habits) tell us it’s not the breakthrough resolution that changes our lives, but the daily habits that change who we are.

In HR-speak, it’s not getting a job that is your ultimate goal. It’s becoming someone with competitive skills, who knows their value, and who has the interpersonal intelligence to work with complex teams. Instead of asking for any job you can get, you’re seeking with intention and clarity for a role and company where you thrive.

I encourage you to take this time and look at what challenges you’re facing in your career. Maybe you’ve been wanting to further your education or credentials. Maybe you never seem to get opportunities at work because you haven’t invested the time and energy in networking with coworkers or being known by those in authority. Maybe you can’t find a job because you’re blindly sending your resume into the abyss, without looking at the job description or knowing anything about the companies.

No matter your situation, you’ll be set up for success if you can break your vision down into small, bite-sized, easy actions you can take on a daily basis. We have a free habit tracker you can download from our website here to help you in this process. Plus, it includes ideas for accountability partners and feedback loops to keep you moving forward. But, we know that no spreadsheet, cool habit tracking app, or even amazing career coach will change your life. YOU are the only one with that power!

Dear reader, may you have a wonderful 2023 in these final days of the year, and may your 2024 be “Sipley the Best,” full of purpose, direction, and action in your career!


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