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Interviewing Pitfall and Best Practices: The Psychology Behind Interviewing Tact

You’ve put out the job ad, sifted through the resumes, called candidates, and scheduled interviews. In this workshop, we’ll review best practices for a great interview, plus examples of great (and not so great) interviews that the presenter has held! You’ll walk away with a foundation to create an efficient and effective interview process. 

This interactive presentation will cover: 

* Human behavior in the interview: aka, humans are weird, but you still have to hire them. 

* Cognitive biases that could cause you to make a bad hiring decision. 

* How anxiety impacts your interviewee

* Other ways to assess if your interviewee is the right match

* Avoiding illegal questions and how to NOT make your interviewee uncomfortable

* Tips for virtual interviews

* Best practices for standardizing interviews

Plus, time for a Q&A to ask your burning questions about how to have a great interview. 

Register here:

December 19

How to Hire Without Job Boards

January 31

January CFEC Job Fair