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Need resume help or a career coach?

Sipley the Best can help you take the next step in your career journey.

Our Job Board

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Job Seeker Services

Our job board changes every week! Want to stay up to date with what’s available? Subscribe to our newsletter - one email, every other week - to stay on top of your job search!

Resume Review

The Problem: You feel your resume is good, but not great. You want to know how to strengthen it, ensure you stand out among a sea of job applicants, and not get overlooked by a company’s Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

The Result: A 20-minute consultation with our president, who provides a professional review on your resume’s format, skills, and experiences, with tangible steps on turning it into an interview-yielding document.

The investment: $99

Add-ons: LinkedIn Review + $20; All Social Media Review + $50 

Resume Rewrite 

The Problem: Your resume is not the best; the resume templates you’ve found are no good; and the whole process of formatting your resume and making it eye-catching among millions of others is overwhelming! You would rather have it written for you by HR experts so you can focus on actually applying for jobs, researching companies, networking, and interviewing.  

The Result: We meet with you for an in-depth interview to learn about your unique background, strengths, and skills. We send you up to three resumes, tailored to different job goals. For each resume, you receive two copies: a PDF version (the format preferred by websites) and an editable Word copy so that you can continue to update the document. And, if you aren’t happy with the resume, let us know so we can continue to tweak it until you’re completely satisfied! 

The Investment: $250 

This photo is an over-the-shoulder angle of Dawn. She is looking at a job seeker's resume, sitting behind her desk. The job seeker sits in front of her desk and is a woman with short blonde hair, glasses, wearing a black shirt with white stripes.

Career Coaching 

The Problem: You are unemployed and feel overwhelmed or unsure how to navigate the job-seeking process.

The Results: This includes our Resume Rewrite, customization of LinkedIn and review of other socials for professionalism, a minimum of three introductions to potential employers in your area, access to our Job Seekers Crash Course, and a Workplace Big 5 Personality Assessment. We will schedule coaching sessions of 30 minutes either weekly or every other week. 

The Investment:
$550 at the beginning of services, and $50 per 30-minute coaching call. 

Initial payment due within 30 days of the start date.

Workplace Big Five Personality Assessment

The Problem: Can’t find a job and not sure why? Sometimes it’s our limiting beliefs about ourselves, our strengths, and our potential, that are holding us back from finding the job of our dreams.

The Result: Schedule a Workplace Big Five assessment with Certified Administrator, Dawn Sipley. She is trained in providing this test (which, by the way, is the only evidence-based personality assessment!) and going over what your results mean. You’ll learn how the Workplace Big Five helps you:

  • Uncover your unique purpose, strengths, and skills for the workplace.

  • Seek opportunities that align with your work style and leave you energized, not drained!

  • Collaborate effectively with similar and complementary styles.

  • Maximize your strengths at work to become a high-achieving, irreplaceable member of the team!

The Investment: $250 for the assessment + a 1-hour, in-depth debrief with Dawn

A photo of Dawn's bag placed in Dawn's office chair at Sipley the Best. On the chair next to the bag are Dawn's keys, phone, blue sunglasses, and business card case. A resume peeks out of the bag. In the background are awards for Sipley the Best.

Private Notary Service

The Problem: Some documents are more important than others but when notarization is needed, typically it's needed promptly and with a high level of discretion, and confidentiality. We can come to you or you can swing by our office with an appointment

The Result: Quick, mobile, and confidential notarization of your most important matters of business within 24 hours inside the City of Sanford.

The Investment: Starting at $20

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Client Feedback

Payment options include:
Venmo: @Sipleythebest
PayPal: @DawnSipley
CashApp: $DawnSipley

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