Why the octopus?

Whatever it is, tell your story and it can make difference.


The Story of the Octopus

Many moons ago, Dawn saw a beautifully unique octopus pendant in a jewelry store in Naples, FL. A native Florida gal, she usually associated jewelry with flip-flops or mermaid-y, silly things, but an octopus is intelligent, crafty, and can adapt to any environment… much like her.

Not having the money for it at the time, so she and God made a deal. He told her to go home and save her money, so she did! Buying a piggy bank, she spent a year filling it up.

Returning to Naples the following year, Dawn went straight to the jewelry store to see if the precious pendant was still there, and it was!! She bought it right there on the spot, and paid cash. She had been faithful and diligent with the resources the Lord gave her and saw this as a reward for her efforts.

It is now one of her favorite pieces, and she can be seen wearing it everywhere…a beautiful Tahitian pearl with diamond eyes…and people started to notice. Before long, she was being gifted all things Octopus: coffee cups, cheese cutters, Christmas ornaments. It seemed to be becoming her thing.

When launching Sipley the Best, Dawn was passionate about being service-oriented and quickly realized her experience allowed her to do that for BOTH employees and employers. With her “hands on” approach, knowledge and recognition that in Human Resources, one must have their “hands” in many areas... the octopus easily remained her Feature Creature.